According to the latest Harris Interactive poll for Challenge magazine, Marine Le Pen is – already – credited with 47% in the second round. And the progression may not be over.

What has changed since the presidential debate? Emmanuel Macron then presented himself as a unifier of the French People. The policy of targeting Muslims, initiated by the Minister of interior Gérald Darmanin, by creating an anti-Muslim and anti-migrant opinion movement in public opinion, has only put forward the theses of the far-right parties, and push voters a little more towards Marine Le Pen, to the detriment of the President of the Republic. Moreover, it is difficult to understand this tendency to seek to grab the voices of the far-right, which successively led to the failures of Sarkozy and Hollande, pushed by Manuel Valls. Emmanuel Macron’s extreme right-wing policy therefore risks not benefiting him.

Why does France take these discriminatory positions against part of its own people? In 2019, a peace conference was organized in Paris under the aegis of the World Islamic League. It brought together the leaders of all religions in order to fight terrorism. This conference was shunned by Emmanuel Macron and his ministers, who had nevertheless promised to sponsor it. It must be said that the Darmanin line was already in gestation.

On May 17, a conference (online due to Covid) was jointly organized by Isesco, the Islamic World League and the Kingdom of Morocco on the theme of the life of the Prophet. Who was involved? Prince Charles himself!

Spot the error !

Instead of encouraging the rapprochement between cultures, instead of fighting against discrimination, the French government prefers to prohibit imams from evoking the idea of « ​​state racism ”, while continuing to close schools, mosques and cultural muslim associations.

But make no mistake ! Marine le Pen is much more subtle than her opponent. Muslim voices are not indifferent to her. Muslims themselves are more annoyed by Emmanuel Macron’s double talk than by Marine Le Pen’s outspoken line. And marine Le Pen, before the 2019 conference, paid a friendly visit, in Riyadh, to the Secretary General of the World Islamic League, Mohammed Al-Issa.

Spot the error… !

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