The woman who wears the Hijab and the one who doesn’t (Part 2: The Story of Katia)

Wearing the Veil has become in France, the only country in the world which minds about that, a real social debate. Everyone, or almost everyone talks about this subject, usually on behalf of Muslim women and even instead of them. Everyone…except Muslim women who are rarely given the chance to express themselves. Here’s a witnessing of two young ladies. They don’t belong to any organization, they aren’t activists. They are simply two Muslim women. One of them wears the Hijab, the other doesn’t….

This Interview was realized by Laura Breut.

Katia is practicing Muslim lady, but she doesn’t wear the veil, Why?

Because she doesn’t apprehend the rising of islamophobia in France. This is when the politico-social context deprives French women from their freedom of religion…

Meet Katia

Have you ever been a victim of Islamophobia or any discrimination because of your religion? 

No, not explicitly, because I don’t put any outward religious signs that show my religion.

I expressed rarely my religious beliefs out of the Islamic sciences faculty or out of my conversations with my close friends.

Why have you chosen not to wear the veil?

In fact, I am not feeling now; during my spiritual journey the need to wear the hijab. I don’t think whether I wear it or not defines me as a good or bad Muslim. I am really fine with my current practice. However, it remains entirely possible that I may wear it one day. So, I will know then that I would be a victim of the islamophobia because of the politico-social context. My life will change probably and become harder.  I must prepare myself to that, but I am not totally ready to face this test.

According to you, what would change in your daily life if you decide to wear the veil?

I hope to succeed in my studied and become a lawyer, but in this case, I know it will no longer be possible for me to wear the veil every day. I would be then obliged to manage to remove it in public transports or before arriving at work. It’s said to say that, but today I am the Muslim Katia, the one who can go “whenever she wants” and who is accepted by everyone. If I decide to wear the veil, I expect to be rejected. I also expect regards to change among my non-Muslim friends or in my non-Muslim professional surrounding. I must arm myself mentally to face that.   

Sometimes, when I have a bad haircut, I wear a turban. I receive usually some compliments about that by the way because it’s fashionable. But if tomorrow, I decide to cover my hair for religious intentions; people’s behavior can change even if it’s the same thing and that these motivations concern only me…

Furthermore, some of my friends who wear the veil fell many times victims of islamophobia. They were pushed in the street, or they were victims of discrimination in the work field or in social networks. Unfortunately, I know I will be facing the same problems and don’t feel myself already prepared to assume those difficulties with the social violence caused by the wearing of the veil.

What are your reactions as a Muslim about the living reactions these few last months about the Burkini and the veil dressing?

Frankly, I am worried because I think there is a rising of islamophobia which is totally uncontrolled by the French authorities.

The Muslims are the only ones to denounce intolerance, violent acts, administrative and social rejection related to the practice of Islam. These subjects have no reason to be!

As I was saying, if I wear the turban, everything is ok because people see it as related to beauty. However, if I decide to cover my hear for religious reasons, the factory in which I work can summon me to remind me of the rules or use the neutrality principle against me. This is the same thing with the burkini! The motivations should regard only women who are concerned.

Some representatives of Islam in France think that he burkini is an infringement of the Republic and a provocation to it, what do you think?

I think that the Republic has nothing to do regarding the citizens’ way of dressing. It should stay indifferent concerning the clothes and the practices in the public sphere; citizens’ life is never just about that. I think the Republic must respect the texts that guarantee the freedom to worship in first place.

Some women bathe covered for medical issues. This is a problem for no one. Even if their clothes can be assimilated to the burkini. In contrast, whenever, it is related to the practice of Islam, it becomes then a national debate. This clearly shows that religion bothers and that there’s a problem of islamophobia in France then!

Do you think as a Muslim woman that you can live and practice your religion freely in France?

I am practicing my religion only in the private sphere till now. I don’t fell any bad when I practice my religion in places consecrated to that; however, we are always exposed to restrictions in the public space. So, finally no, I don’t feel myself totally free.

Similarly, to my choice of not wearing the hijab at the present moment because I’m already expecting potential discrimination. The simple fact of thinking about is already an infringement of my liberty!

What would you like to change so that Muslim people would be more accepted in France?

Muslims must not be considered as a second- class French who, unlike the others, must repetitively prove themselves to show that they are trustful and peaceful.

In addition to this, the term of islamophobia should be admitted so that it will no longer be denied.

To me, the government is behind this division. Religion, Islam, Halal food, Ramadan, and the burkini are all issues that are present in the media. This turns the eyes away from more important subjects like unemployment or the purchasing power of the French. Islam is a bit the scapegoat subject that always comes up when there is a moment of tension in the French news. That has to change!

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